Exterior view of Burled Elm Music Box with Dancing Couple by Reuge
Exterior view of Burled Elm Music Box with Dancing Couple by Reuge
Reuge Dancing Couple twirl in burled elm  musical box

Reuge Dancing Couple in Burled Elm Musical Box

Sorry, no longer available

This Gorgeous high gloss burled Elm box with a lovely rectangular pattern on the lid features a couple twirling and dancing to the "Blue Danube Waltz."

A return of a favorite Reuge/Romance music box from the past (about the 1980s). This will be Collectible and is sure to delight the beholder as its lady in "light pink" dress and her dancing partner twirl in front of triple angled mirrors that quadruple the experience.

It measures approximately 6 1/8" x 4 1/4" stands 3 1/4" high. It is no longer available in a Dancing Wedding Couple with white dress or single ballerina  that plays Pachelbel's "Canon." It has two small compartments for treasured trinkets. A quality piece as always, from Reuge!

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